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2020 Time axis 時光軸


藝術家:溫孟瑜 年代:2020 材質:金屬、膠合強化玻璃 尺寸:382 × 180(cm)



Time axis Artist:Wen Meng-Yu Year:2020 Medium:steel、tempered glass Dimensions:382 × 180(cm)

Artist's Interpretation:

The work " Time axis " is based on the history of the founding courtyard. It captures TuCheng's local colors and elements, and intertwines TuCheng Vientiane with bright and lively composition. Describe the origins of the establishment of the hospital and major events, piece together the historical trajectory as the axis of time moves. Through the people's contact with the works, combined with the transformation of different media such as color, digital direct printing, illustration, etc., it tries to make the vision combine the senses and then connect with the people's body and soul.

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