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2020 Casting New Light: New Artists Group Exhibition 《清光入徑》-新銳藝術家聯展

展出藝術家 Artists|溫孟瑜 Wen Meng-Yu、陳睿淵 Tan Jui-Wen、謝衡 Hsieh Heng、鄭晰文 Mable Cheng 展覽日期 Date|2020/02/29 (六) - 05/03(日) 展覽時間 Time|週二-週日11:30-20:00 (週一公休Mon. Closed) 展覽地點 Venue|大雋藝術 RICH ART(408台中市南屯區惠文路489號 No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan (R.O.C) ) ___________________________________________________________________

「真正的探索之旅不在於尋找新風景,而是擁有新眼光。」-法國作家馬塞爾.普魯斯特(Marcel Proust) 時序走入杏月,大雋藝術新年首檔展覽邀請四位新銳藝術家—溫孟瑜、陳睿淵、謝衡與鄭晰文,他們踏出腳步放眼當今時代,透過對生命景況與自然萬物的體察,進而轉化為內心感知,詮釋獨立新審美觀點,並融合至自身創作疆土中,其能量宛如一道道清光流瀉入美好春景織圖裏,邀您一同品讀卷卷日常詩敘。 “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” - French author Marcel Proust As we move into the second month of the lunar calendar, Rich Art’s first exhibition of the new year will be showcasing four up-and-coming artists: Wen Meng-Yu, Tan Jui-Wen, Hsieh Heng, and Mable Cheng. The four artists glance out onto our contemporary times and transform their observations of life and nature into inner understandings, proposing new and independent aesthetic perspectives that are integrated into their works. The energy of these works seems to cast new light onto the beautiful spring scenery. We invite you to enjoy the works and join us in leisurely conversations.

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